I try to keep to myself, but it doesn't always work out that way. I can be nice and very sweet, and would give the shirt off my back to help someone if asked. When not asked however like I said, I keep to myself and don't get involved.
My name is Michael A. Kaighn and I was born on January 21, 1984. I spent most of my childhood causing trouble and doing other things that a 9 yeard old boy probably shouldn't do. As I got older I grew into hobbies and working, had my first job at 15 and loved to spend every penny I made on things to make me happy. Then I was introduced to the world wide web, cell phones, and computers. Spending most of my time trying to learn for myself what made computers tick, and electronics work.
As the years passed my self taught skills with a computer grew and I eventually owned a few of my own as I could not just have one. Having a computer opened a whole new world for me. I learned about computer programs such as Adode, AutoCad, Poser,Fruity Loops, Nero, and so much more. Then I signed up for a free online sit called "Tripod" or as some no it to be "Lycos". Me and a misbehaving bunch of friends started using this site to flaunt all the trouble we got into, wich now that I look back on it probably wasn't one of our best ideas.
Ever since I singed up for the site I have been exploring the world of HTML code and other programming codes and cool programs such as DarkBasic, Microsoft Visual and Visual Basic, The opperating system known as BACK_TRACK, and many more programming and data entry programs. Using all the skills I have learned combined together I have created most or all of the images, sound tracks, photos, videos and whatever else you may find on my site.